Monday 13 August 2012

New projects!

My oh my... It's been quite eventful as of late! I am coming to the end of my MSc so work is jam packed! I got to go to the Silverstone Grand Prix for free thanks to my awesome brother (who is an aerodynamicist for Maclaren F1) and it was an awesome weekend. Never seen so much mud, especially in the field we camped in!! 

mmm muddy campsite

I had an interview for a biological crop protection company, then got called back for a second interview (in which I had to give a presentation and carry out an experiment--- SUPER SCARY!). The best thing though was that I GOT THE JOB!!!! Doing the masters has paid off already, as I have got into the industry that I wanted to. (I get to travel too :D )

As if last week wasn't exciting enough (having the second interview, getting the job--- even cancelling another interview I was to have on the Friday). I was gifted tickets to the Olympics!!! (Lucky I'm currently located not too far away from London) It was so exciting! I have to admit, I have always hated the olympics, and the build up to it just made me hate it even more... every advert on TV was games related. But I embraced it and ended up watching more of the olympics than I ever would have anticipated! (I think I watched a hell of alot... theres not much I didn't watch... lets hope my MSc project hasn't suffered too much from it). So on Sunday I took my one of my brothers for his birthday (which is today!! HAPPY 25th CRAIG!!) to the male bronze volleyball final... It was so exciting and fun! Volleyball is awesome... I love getting to play it here on campus when the weather is nice!

(went to christmas world in Harrods... I know, I know its only August, but I'm a December baby so I look forward to December ALOT)

So as a treat to myself for getting the job. I treated myself to the yarn and pattern I have been wanting for AGES!! I bought cheap acrylic yarn for it because I want it to be machine washable (my housemate knitted a jumper from the same yarn and it was super soft and made a gorgeous jumper, sometimes its not worth being a yarn snob). The pattern you may ask? Well I do LOVE Tiny Owl Knits, so I bought her wear the wild things are jumper! Cannot wait to cast on!!! (I hope the yarn comes tomorrow!). Here is a picture of the awesome jumper (mine is going to be in grey).

Another pattern I have seen which I feel is a MUST KNIT is Fighting words by Annie Watts in particular the slighly different version knitted by raveler Sazzles... Just look how AWESOME they are!

Anyway! I hope all is going well in your own worlds! Will try and knit something worth posting pictures of soon!
